Hello! Thanks for participating in our research in novel smartphone interactions.
On this page, you'll be asked to track a circle around the screen with your eyes in 5 different rounds of data collection. The circle will be red to indicate when we're recording data, so try not to blink until the circle turns blue.
Hold your phone at a natural angle. After 5 rounds, we'll use your eye images to train an eye tracker personalized for you.
In this step, you'll test your personalized model.
To start a new evaluation, refresh the page.
Personalized Model Not Found
Start Anyway
To train a new model, simply redo the personalization section.
Lastly, go to the results page to see your personalized model's errors. Export them from this page to send us your results as a .json, or view as text and paste them into an email.
Playground visualizes your personalized model.